It was a very sweet, but much too fast visit. During these 4 or so days together, we saw the Barber of Seville as well as a rather risque Black Light Theatre, which is very interpretive, but without the use of language. I have to say that Walt Disney, Epcot Center, and Warner Brothers have heavily influenced the way I experience new places in Europe and cultural events. So you know what I mean… I REALLY enjoyed the Opera, especially since I knew the music and it was a comedy. But, the reason I know the Barber of Seville is because I first came to know the Rabbit of Seville, which happens to go down as one of my all-time favorite cartoons. I admit that the opening sequence of the Opera I was thinking of Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fud. I really had to get a hold of myself, which I eventually did, but I enjoyed my finger tapping and memories of Bugs dressed up as a bride and Bugs massaging Elmer Fud’s bald head.
You can really tire yourself out walking around Prague. Jordana and I are living proof. I had hopes of taking a day trip on Saturday out of town, but on Friday night we realized we were completely exhausted from trapsing around town in the cool weather. So, we did what I love most on Saturday morning… we ate brunch at this place called Radost, which has some of the best breakfast food I have ever had. While a lot of food here in Prague is just mediocre (Remember I speak as someone who lived in New York City and Philadelphia), Radost brunch is phenomenal. With Jordana I had the “Greek God” omelet, which was filled with feta cheese, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, and sourcream and was served with a piece of whole grain bread. On a separate visit I had a huge pair of waffles with loads of fresh fruit (pineapple, blueberries, grapes), topped with blueberry sauce and whipped cream. Oh, and the coffee is deep, full bodied, and rich. Can you tell I like breakfast?
Of course, Sunday was a sad occasion when I had to say goodbye to Jordana. It was so good to have a roommate again and to have the opportunity to learn even more about Filipinos and how she has distant relatives basically everywhere. :)

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