Friday, October 13, 2006

Off to Bratislava on a Quest..

So, I'm officially off tomorrow morning at 7 am to Bratislava to connect with members of the Fecko family. I can hardly believe it. After a few hours of sightseeing on my own I will be meeting Valent Gura, a distant relative who shares both Fecko and Parana lineage. The next day Valent is taking me to visit his nephew, Pavol Jr., who lives in the town of Trnava, often called "Little Rome" or "Slovak Rome". We shall see!

And, after several long weeks at work, I've finally submitted several drafts for a big project I've been working on. What a feeling! I admit work has been pretty consuming of late so I'm looking forward to a change of pace. It is much needed. I think I'm also due for some adventure.

Next week when I return to work I'm scheduled to take a course called, "Exploring Radio". Essentially, it is a course on broadcasting for non-broadcasters. This will hopefully spur my creative juices and provide me the opportunity to put together my own radio program (well, of course with the help of our trainers and other class participants :)). Can't wait! Yes, I know I'm a bit nerdy at times, but I can't help it.

Well, what in the world is everyone up to these days? I have failed miserably in developing interactivity on this blog. Please don't be shy!


Anonymous said...

Interactivity? Who needs interactivity? We only care about knowing what YOU are doing!

So let us know how the Fecko family reunion goes...maybe you could make an NPR-style segment on it for your class. You could use your US friends as callers...y'know, to help spur that interactivity.

Anonymous said...

Hey Christine,

You've really missed your calling. You should write!! I really enjoy your prose and I would be first in line to buy your first published work. I read your blog weekly (you're on my links) and also enjoy your pictures. You must have a good camera. See you soon,

Uncle Rahn

Anonymous said...

One has to agree with both gentlemen!
I hope your trip proves to be an aventure of a lifetime and look forward to hearing all about it!!