Thursday, September 06, 2007

American Psycho - Yes, I am :(

I'm psycho at times. I kid you not. My blood pressure rises and my heart beats extra fast when disputing bills. I just got off the phone with a Verizon Wireless representative - excuse me, I mean my 5th or 6th Verizon Wireless account representative to dispute the fact that an extra 100 bonus minutes clearly stated in my 3-year contract are nowhere notated in my online account. Basically, this past month's bill included an extra $17 dollars in overage. That amount was credited after I successfully disputed the charge, but Verizon said there was never any citation of an extra 100 promotional minutes. I even have my contract - a hard copy no less - which I faxed last week. Well, to make a long story short they are unable to add those 100 minutes to "My Plan" because a different division handles promotions and they could only do so with a contract extension. Gosh darn it - my contract is through July 2008 as it is! I was not pleased with this option. So, they decided they would monitor my usage and should I go over my allotted monthly peak minutes, but stick to the extra 100 promotional minutes, they will credit me that overage. Having a little legal experience, oh, and simply the hard knocks of life, I asked for this agreement to be sent to me via email. The response: No, a different department handles legal issues and Verizon emails are preformatted. Basically, I can take them or leave them at their word. Given this spate of billing and contractual issues and incorrect billing on my DSL account when we moved from VA to DC (thank the good Lord my math skills are up to par!), I am seriously rethinking my relationship with Verizon once I come to the end of my contract. In today's age, we are presented with "bundles" - that is a complete package of DSL, phone, and TV - BUT, the joint billing doesn't take place until 2 or 3 billing cycles take effect. Bottom line: upfront costs are higher and reading wacky bills causes a psycho anal-retentive person such as myself to develop non-existent heart disease. So much for this age of convenience! NOT!

I confess I even went so far tonight to recite part of the Verizon Wireless creed or rather their lengthy and jolly recording back to the representative: "Committed to working for you, our Customers!" Of course, I also spent some time apologizing. My gosh, I just realized that my deepest, darkest fears of adopting some of the argumentative traits of my mother and godmother have suddenly appeared in moi! I spent years of my childhood shying away from ANY form of confrontation and frequently hid under the table when customer service in a restaurant wasn't to our liking or when an ordered product was broken or of sub-standard quality. And now, I'm a ranter and a raver reciting company codes and pledges back to customer service representatives! I definitely need a chill pill.

Before I close, in case my aunt or mother might read this I feel compelled to add a special note: I love you, Aunt Pat and my amazing mother, Mary Lou! If there is one think I learned from the Wyszkowski side of the family, it is to stand up for one's rights and principles. I guess the next life lesson I'd like to learn is how to finesse my displeasure and disputes. Hmmm, I think my brother Mark might be able to help me in this area....He is quite the smooth talker let me tell you! Actually, I'd settle for suave, straight-shooter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, you should be the face for the "Rosie the Riveter -We Can Do It" poster. I guess it would be "Christine the Riveter" which I think suits you well, you know, with all your "up the river, down river" experience (phonetically it makes sense I guess) :)