So, in case you haven't heard, I'm moving to Prague. Yeah, the poppy seed rolls did me in. Of course, I can find them here in the States around Christmas and Easter from our local Ukrainian and Slovak churches, but I decided I absolutely need to be in a country that has poppy year-round. I also miss my Czech sweet breads or "kolac" with the sweet farmer's cheese. My diet or should I say my taste buds have suffered so much the last 9 months. You might be asking, "Christine, why not learn to bake these goodies yourself"? That is a reasonable question I admit. Oops, and to be honest, I actually have a poppy seed roll in the freezer from my mom. However, somehow I got roped into sharing that with my roommate. Well, I confess it is more than the sweets that is pulling me back to Prague. I was offered a job I simply couldn't refuse and the opportunity to live in a city that has a very special place in my heart. Don't get me wrong - I will miss DC. I am already mourning my jogs around the nation's beloved monuments - the Washington monument, Capitol, Lincoln Memorial, and the Jefferson. I will mourn the amazing community and fellowship I've been so blessed by here. I'll miss running over to Virginia to visit with the gang still living on N Calvert, including Raymond's free ice cream and Heather and Christina's rather constant supply of the Court House Farmers' Market "Cookie Lady's" maple-walnut-toffee-white chocolate cookies. And, I will really miss sitting out on our balcony enjoying a bottle of Shiraz with Jordana into the wee hours of the night and then getting up for work the next day. But, it seems that the time has come for a new chapter. It is exciting, scary, and overwhelming all in one...

Makowiec, all the way!!!
- Your old roomie roomie (Apt 305) who also used to share in your Grandma W's great baking!
This is great news. I feel very excited for you. Enjoy Prague! Wish you all the best. Please give me your phone no. there so that I can still talk to you.
So happy for you. :-)
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