Monday, January 28, 2008

If you own a dog and walk the streets, use those bags!

I guess I'll continue my ranting about things that have been getting on my nerves recently. The last few days I've noticed side walks have become minefields with dog doodoo. If you aren't careful, you'll be trekking around town with poo on your soles. What's up with Prague dog owners? Do they have no shame? All those posts with doggie bags have a purpose. So, use them. It's a simple common courtesy people.

The State of the Union comes on at 3 am here. Too bad, but I don't think I have that kind of stamina. On the other hand, this afternoon I rsvp-d for a superbowl party on Sunday. I can't believe the Giants actually made it. I think I was in highschool the last time they played in the superbowl. The thing is that it starts at midnight and will probably go through 4 am. I even volunteered to bring chocolate chip cookies or brownies. We all have choices to make. I just hope it's a good game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Giants!!