Thursday, February 28, 2008

Better late than never... My big October send off from DC

Hi everyone. Can you believe it. It has been nearly 3 months now since I moved to Prague. That's crazy. When I get a little homesick or a lot, this reminder of friends and family warms my heart. To let you in on a little secret, I can watch this video over and over, endlessly, never failing to shed a tear or two or more!

My thanks to Raymond who spent most of my big bash filming this. Kudos for selecting the perfect song!

Sure miss and love y'all! (Oh, no, I've succumbed to the pressure of trying to sound like a Northern Virginian. But, not such a big deal over here in the Czech Republic. Sometimes Czechs don't even think I sound American?! Go figure. I've been picked out as German or Canadian.)

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