I also had hopes of stealing away with my laptop the few days I spent in DC, but spending real time with friends proved more appealing and necessary. Then again, there were hopes I'd carve away a few hours this afternoon after church, but I received an email from a friend and colleague who was in need of company. I think, at least, you will find that I have my priorities straight. Blog comes last.
So, here I sit with the clock clicking past midnight and my first day at work hours away...
To sum up the last couple weeks at home in Binghamton and DC - my trip was hard, but good. Time with loved ones (despite all the sickies in NY and DC) was sweet and precious. I am truly blessed with family and friends. I just wish they had healthier immune systems!
There's more to say, but let this suffice for tonight.
Don't you love the reindeer flamingos? :) They are my favorite.
Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears our Christine away...but sure was great to see you while you were here! And glad you didn't have to order any of us DCers to vacate a bathroom floor!
Glad you had some time at home! I can already picture the baking and Christmas cookies at the Fetzko household!! Take Care and Happy New Year!
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