Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spring at Last!

It's officially spring in Prague and it's BEAUTIFUL. Last weekend my highly competent and absolutely lovely Polish friend organized a hike to Sächsische Schweiz (Saxony Switzerland) National Park, which is basically the border area between Germany and the Czech Republic along the Elbe river. If you take the train from Prague to Dresden you get off after Usti nad Labem and Decin at Schoene. From there we took a ferry across the river to Hrensko and then a short walk to the border crossing and to Schmilke. The area is filled with amazing sandstone formations and gorgeous forests. Highly recommend it! However, it's not for the faint hearted. There's some pretty steep inclines. We went UP and DOWN several times. My poor, poor knees took a bruising, but they survived. I definitely wont be doing that type of hiking every weekend, but just perhaps once a month :)

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