Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Scourge of Perfectionism

I think it was Voltaire who said, "The perfect is the enemy of the good." Too often in my 30 some years I've come to find that true. The desire to get something so perfect has a way of leading me to one of two dead ends: I don't do anything or I do it very late in the game and have to rush in order to meet a deadline and completely exhaust myself. After a period of dormancy my perfectionism seems to be rearing its ugly head once again and has been driving me just a wee bit crazy... just a tiny bit. Don't know about you, but the paralysis that comes with it is plain old awful. Simply put, I hate it. It's a miserable state to be in, and it's unsustainable. In the past when a close friend or family member has shared a struggle or deep desire to achieve something my regular counsel has always been to do your best and to trust God to do the rest. We are, after all, only human no matter how hard we work to prove otherwise. Funny how we need to repeat certain lessons in life and constantly need to remind ourselves of that we are not God, but He is.

And that is tonight's deep thought before heading off to bed. Sweet dreams.

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